It’s July and that means it’s time for another month of raising awareness about plastic pollution! Please check out the links in this post for plastic free July information and resources! These days I struggle to…Continue Reading
Category: Zero Waste
In my previous post, The Reality of Living Sustainably, I wrote about some areas of my life that are definitely not sustainable or eco-friendly. The intention of that post was to demonstrate that it’s impossible to…Continue Reading
I thought about calling this post “Zero Waste Fails” or “Confessions of Living Low Waste”, but those names suggest that I’m failing at considering the environment in my daily life. In actuality, there is no such…Continue Reading
Now that we are into February, it’s time to reflect on how our year has started. Are you sticking with your resolutions and achieving your goals? Or, are you muddling your way through the months of…Continue Reading
It’s plastic free July! In this post, I reflect on the past year and how COVID has stalled efforts to reduce our single use plastic dependence. Secondly, I examine my own consumer patterns to see where…Continue Reading