Mar 292024
Garden Plans for 2024

Hello! I hope you’re doing well. I’m excited to share my first garden-themed post of the year with you! This year, the focus will be on maintenance, rather than new projects. I’ve already been able to get out a couple of times this year to tidy and weed the flower beds. Also, I’ve just completed some heavy work involving a bulk order of compost (in a storm!). Here are my garden plans for 2024!

Spring Winners

This year, I opted to spend a bit more on flowers for our planters outside the front door. Rather than pansies/violas, I chose primroses and pompom daisies and they add such a wonderful pop of colour to the front of the house! Once they’re finished for the season, I’ll transplant them into the borders for next spring. It’s also a good year for tulips!

Our jasmine, planted last autumn, survived the winter and seems to be doing well! I’m optimistic it’s going to thrive in its new home. The cherry tree is also looking gorgeously healthy!

Tidy and Prep

Lucy gave both of our apple trees big haircuts. Our crabapple in particular had a very leggy crown that was getting difficult to maintain. It looks a bit stumpy at the moment, but hopefully it will bush out over the year. We had wind damage to our beautiful salvia; I don’t know if it’s going to make it! I’ve clipped off all of the snapped branches and will hope for the best.

Two plants that grow amazingly well in our garden are crocosmia and bleeding heart. Early this spring, I split both plants and we now have crocosmia popping up in the front garden beds, and a second bleeding heart under our Acer. You can spot these in the cover photo. I also planted a load of poppy and sweet pea seeds that Lucy’s mum gave us. I opted for the scatter approach, so I have no idea if any of them will actually germinate.

The big task that I completed just before the Easter weekend was spreading a cubic metre bulk shipment of compost. It was pouring rain and 45 mph winds, but we got it done in about 2 hours. Our raised bed needed plenty more compost, and our back garden is clay heavy with loads of building debris so it could use some nourishment. I think it looks healthier already!

Adding compost
Busy spreading compost in the rain!


I’m simplifying our raised bed this year because out of: courgette, peas, leeks, and beetroot that I grew last year, we only had success with courgette. Therefore, I’m dedicating the entire raised bed to courgette and one pumpkin. I’ll also do some tomatoes – but purchased from the garden centre, rather than started from seed, and some calendula and marigolds.


Other than plants, the main projects for the garden this year are to finish staining the fence (that we started at least 2 years ago), and re-stain the deck furniture. Lucy found a couple of deck chairs being given away in our village, so those will need to be restored as well.

The back fence that needs painting.

All of this compost-spreading, painting, and general maintenance will certainly keep me busy this growing season! What are your gardening plans for 2024?

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