Nov 102023

Autumn Tea Party for Kids

halloween decorations

Last weekend, Lucy and I hosted our nieces and nephew for our first ever “Bonaween” party. This was an autumn tea party for kids that blended celebrating Halloween and Bonfire Night (Guy Fawkes). We had such…Continue Reading

Sep 282018

Creamsicle Cake

Lucy turned 30 a couple of weeks ago and we had a family party to celebrate. I gave her a few suggestions for what type of cake I could make her, and she decided on a…Continue Reading

Sep 162017

Emmental and Rosemary Scones

Lucy’s birthday was this week, and I’m currently preparing for her party tomorrow. Everything’s a bit hectic today because I’m trying to do loads of cleaning and baking in advance in order to have time to…Continue Reading

Oct 072016

Lemon Bakewell Slices

Apart from the honey butter birthday cake, the other dessert I made for Lucy’s birthday were these lemon bakewell slices by Scrummy Lane. Admittedly, I had some anxiety about making these, and even had some back-up…Continue Reading

Sep 302016

Honey Butter Birthday Cake

It was my partner’s birthday in September and the family got together for a little party. Unfortunately, I got the flu that same weekend but it didn’t stop me from baking her a birthday cake, and…Continue Reading