Apr 222022

10 Sustainable Habits

In my previous post, The Reality of Living Sustainably, I wrote about some areas of my life that are definitely not sustainable or eco-friendly. The intention of that post was to demonstrate that it’s impossible to…Continue Reading

Feb 182022

The Reality of Living Sustainably


I thought about calling this post “Zero Waste Fails” or “Confessions of Living Low Waste”, but those names suggest that I’m failing at considering the environment in my daily life. In actuality, there is no such…Continue Reading

Nov 202020

Review of Shampoo Bars

Shampoo Bars Cover

On my sustainability journey, one of the first “eco swaps” I made was switching from commercial bottled shampoo to shampoo bars. If you think about it, you’re mainly paying for water, a plastic bottle, and synthetic…Continue Reading

Jul 032020

Plastic Free July 2020

Plastic Free July 2020 looks very different to previous years. With the pandemic, most countries have some form of lockdown or social distancing. There are restrictions on using your own coffee cups and containers at refill…Continue Reading

Apr 172020

Low Waste during a Lockdown

In the low waste/ zero waste community, there has been considerable online discussion about how to live a low waste lifestyle in the current pandemic. The general consensus is that well-being and safety come first. We…Continue Reading