I thought about calling this post “Zero Waste Fails” or “Confessions of Living Low Waste”, but those names suggest that I’m failing at considering the environment in my daily life. In actuality, there is no such…Continue Reading
Tag: environment
Last year I did the 12 Days of Christmas Challenge as a type of self-care initiative during another lockdown. This year, I’m focusing on nature with a 12 Days of Christmas for the Environment Challenge. Join…Continue Reading
Did you know that tomorrow (June 5th) is World Environment Day?! This day is organised by the UN and is intended to raise global awareness of environmental issues. I’ve been thinking about how best to share…Continue Reading
Happy Earth Month and Earth Day, which was the 22nd of April! In celebration, I want to discuss the power of knowledge in driving positive change for the environment. Reading to save the planet might be…Continue Reading
I’ve been doing a lot of thinking. I feel that it is my responsibility as a blogger in the public sphere to acknowledge the protests surrounding racism, police brutality, and associated injustices happening in the US,…Continue Reading