Earlier in the summer, we were out on a family walk and I spotted some red clover. I know that red clover has lots of health benefits, particularly for women’s health. Therefore, I took the opportunity…Continue Reading
Category: Wellness
Before we get well into spring, I want to share some of the fantastic winter woodland walks in Oxfordshire UK that I went on with Lucy and Wilbur. There are three woodland walks that we went…Continue Reading
There are signs of spring everywhere! The snowdrops and crocuses are in bloom and some of the cherry trees even have early blossoms. These must be a clear indication that winter is coming to an end,…Continue Reading
I believe that winter is the most challenging season and therefore the most important time to look after our mental and physical health. The days are shorter and darker and we spend much more time inside.…Continue Reading
September is a wonderful month for foraging in the UK. We’ve got blackberries, sloes, damsons, rosehips, and of course elderberries growing in the hedgerows! In this post, I share my experience trying an elderberry syrup recipe…Continue Reading