Aug 112023

Sustainability News Summer 2023

forest fire

Hello friends, thanks for taking the time to read this second installment of my sustainability news round-up! I’m going to be honest, there is a lot of depressing news out there at the moment. I always…Continue Reading

Feb 042022

Tips for Winter Motivation

Port Meadow sun

Now that we are into February, it’s time to reflect on how our year has started. Are you sticking with your resolutions and achieving your goals? Or, are you muddling your way through the months of…Continue Reading

Nov 052021

Is Carbon Offsetting Greenwashing?

While global representatives are busy at COP26, it’s important to pay attention to the topic of net zero targets. Carbon offsetting is a concept often described as a solution for reaching net zero, but what does…Continue Reading

Aug 132021

What is the new IPCC Report?

forest fire

In case you missed it, Monday 9th August 2021 was a big day in the climate science community. Actually, it was a big day for all of humanity. Monday was the release day of the IPCC’s…Continue Reading