May 312024
Gardening Show and Tell 2024

Hello everyone, I hope you’re doing well! It is late May as I write this, which means we are past the last frost date (in most places). Now is the time for gardening! I got a bit of a late start with the veggie garden and annuals this year because we had some cold patches in April. However, a couple of weeks ago I went shopping at the Garden Centre and perhaps got a bit carried away! 🙂 Here is a quick gardening show and tell for 2024.

The Rose


Firstly, look how gorgeous the rose is this year! This is an David Austin Evelyn rose and the fragrance is deliciously fruity. I need to figure out a way of stabilizing this rose though, because the blooms are so heavy they snap the stems if not supported. Suggestions welcome!

The Veggies and Herbs

This year, I bought two tomato plants and one hanging basket. I gave up on starting tomatoes from seed because they are so fiddly and require indoor space, which we no longer have. Plus, I find that I get a much higher yield if I buy the plants!

We went to a couple of nurseries looking for courgette plants, but apparently there was a crop failure so they are low in stock. Hence, the only plant you can see in the raised bed at the moment is a pumpkin! I also planted a row of beetroot and some lettuce, but those are only just poking up. I might buy a courgette and try to plant some of those seeds! In terms of herbs, I bought a marjoram, a mint, a sage, and a curry plant (which smells amazing!).


I always like to get a few annuals for the pots to add a pop of colour throughout the year. For this season, I went for petunias, lobelia, and marigolds. Lucy also planted gazanias in the borders, and we planted some geraniums. Geraniums are a great choice if you are plagued by slugs and snails because they don’t like to eat them! Also, I love the smell of geraniums, don’t you? I also couldn’t resist picking up this houseplant (a purple shamrock).

Garden Plans

I mentioned in my Garden Plans for 2024 post that we have some DIY to do this summer. I am hoping to re-stain the teak deck furniture in the next few weeks. Also, I just had a landscaper come around to do a quote for a large project. We need to remove our dead box hedges, which were decimated by caterpillars. I’ll keep you updated on that project.

What are you growing in your garden this year? Let me know in the comments!

Happy gardening!

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