Jun 112021
Flower Garden Update – Spring 2021

I kept putting off this flower garden update for spring 2021 because the UK has had such miserable weather throughout April and May. It seemed like we would never warm up! As of writing this in early June, the weather has finally shifted and the late spring/early summer flowers are starting to bloom. I’d guess that everything is around 2-3 weeks behind normal schedule and a month behind last year. You can compare this year’s garden to last year in my post: My Flower Show – A Tour of the Flowers in my Garden. Rather than hold off any longer, I thought I’d share an honest update about what is actually in bloom right now, which isn’t a heck of a lot, but the plants are working hard to catch up! I’ll do a veg garden update separately.

The cover photo is the Nelly Moser clematis, which only started blooming in the last week of May.

Wilbur beside the wild strawberries - flower garden update spring 2021
Wilbur beside the wild strawberries in late May.

These autumn/winter pansies were one of the best purchases I made last year. They kept going right through autumn and popped back up in mid-spring. In the photo are the orange pansies, but there was a mix of purple, burgundy, yellow and orange planted in two containers sitting beside the front door. I also inter-planted some daffodils and tulips in the containers, which were equally cheerful.

Orange Pansies


The giant rosemary shrub is in bloom. I also just purchased small sage and chamomile plants. The chives are doing well, as is the mint!

Flowering Rosemary
Flowering Rosemary
Sage and Chamomile
Sage and Chamomile
Double Tulip

A new addition to the garden, which for convoluted customer service reasons ended up being free, is this gorgeous double tulip. We have both yellow and red shades, and they were definitely a highlight in April.

Red Double Tulip


Geraniums are one of the species that grows best in our garden because slugs and snails don’t eat them. I plant annual geraniums from the garden centre, but we also have at least two native species that self seed, such as this purple variety that I think is Geranium pratense (meadow cranesbill). In the photo with the yellow flower below, you can also spot Geranium robertianum (herb robert).

Purple Geranium (cranesbill) - flower garden update spring 2021

Climbing Black-Eyed Susan Vine

This is a new purchase, which I hope will thrive. These vines (Thunbergia alata) are annual and in theory it should climb up all over the garage.

Black-Eyed Susan Vine
Black-Eyed Susan Vine

Another native species that self-seeds around the village is columbine, or aquilegia. Again, it thrives because the snails don’t eat it!

Columbine (aquilegia)
Columbine – also known as aquilegia or granny’s bonnet
Black Bird Nest

A non-flower highlight of the spring garden is a black bird’s nest in the climbing rose. No babies yet!

Bird's nest in rose

The First Rose

Last but not least, here is the first rose bloom of the season, photographed on 5th June.

Aloha Rose
Aloha Rose – first bloom of 2021

That’s all for my flower garden update for spring 2021. What did you grow in your garden this spring? Did the weather put a damper on your garden plans too?

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