Happy New Year! I feel like humanity really only needs two goals for 2021 – get through the pandemic, and implement radical and rapid climate change solutions NOW. Last year taught me that I can plan every minute of my day, but sometimes life has a different agenda. As with my previous new years’ resolutions, this post of my goals for 2021 reflects on my ambitions for the previous year to see what I accomplished. I will then set out some plans for the coming year. My objective for 2021 should really be to simply go-with-the-flow and not stress the little things! However, with so much uncertainly and precariousness in the world, I find it helpful and constructive to set goals; to give my life direction. Everyone needs purpose.
Frankly, I’m surprised I managed to do anything with the garbage fire of 2020. How about you?
For my previous goals see: Goals for 2020.
What did I Achieve?:
- I got back into fitness over the summer by walking a lot. I’ve also tried to fit in 10 minute workouts a couple of days a week this past autumn/winter. I hope to keep it up for 2021.
- I baked macarons! See: Making Macarons

- Built my blog and went self-hosted
- Got a dog! Wilbur the Dachshund is Home!
- Got promoted!
- Used my free time with intent. 12 Days of Christmas Challenge, Self Isolation Activities
- Got involved with my community. Not volunteering, but I now know many neighbours from walking Wilbur. I also joined Zoom work Book Club.

Goals that didn’t go to plan:
- Flossing my teeth regularly
- Driving. 2020 stamped out any plans to take lessons.
- Stop biting nails. I did stop briefly in first lockdown, but this didn’t stick.
- Submit another academic article. I have no desire to do this presently, which is A-okay!
- Stretch 3 times a week. I never remember to stretch…
- Plant a herb garden. Though I didn’t plant many herbs, I managed, in lockdown, to grow a full vegetable garden. I think this is goal achieved. A Tour of My Vegetable Garden, First Year as a Beginner Gardener
This year, I want to focus on SMART goals. SMART is an acronym for goals that are: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based. I tried to pick goals that I know are possible, even in a pandemic, and that are enjoyable challenges.
My goals for 2021:
- Decorate the second bedroom. This is a carry over from last year. Our priorities changed and we did lots of other work on the house, but next year is the year for the guest bedroom. We want to paint, get a light shade, and get a day bed.
- Read 21 books. Without spoiling next week’s blog post on what I read in 2020, I achieved my goal and I’m excited to read at least 21 books this year. As much as possible, I want to read widely and diversify my bookshelf. Let me know if you want a post on my TBR (to be read) list.
- Grow Radishes and Peonies. I tried 4 times to grow radishes last year. They were very leafy, but the roots didn’t swell. Tips please! I think it has to do with my soil pH and composition. I wanted to grow summer bulbs last year, but couldn’t get any in lockdown. This year, I’d love to grow peonies.
- Lose 10 pounds. Controversial I know, but I’m 10 pounds overweight and I want to be as healthy as possible. I’ve tried vague goals like “exercise more” and “eat healthy”, but a specific goal of 10 pounds will focus my efforts, and it is an achievable and healthy amount to lose in a year.
- Monetize my blog. Technically, I already make a small income through affiliate programmes, but I’d like to join Google Ad Sense this year. I put a lot of time into this blog, arguably it’s more than just a hobby, and a small income will help off set the costs of self-hosting.
- Weekly food bank donations
- Take Wilbur to the seaside. I don’t know if international travel will be possible in 2021, but we can get to a beach at some point!
- Learn to paint with water colours. I’ve dabbled in painting over the years, but teaching myself the basics of water colours could be an enjoyable hobby this year.
- Learn calligraphy. Equally with the painting, I have a calligraphy pen, but I’m not very good at stylized writing, particularly being left handed (smudges!).
- Knit 1 project (and keep the wool away from Wilbur)
- Include intersectional environmentalism content by publishing one related post every other month. We all know the environment is in crisis, and racial injustice is omnipresent. Intersectional environmentalism is inclusive in its advocacy for both the protection of people and the planet. See: Environmentalism, Intersectionality, and Racism
- Revise French and learn some basic words in Spanish. My French is rusty, and I’ve always wanted to learn Spanish, so perhaps 2021 will be the year for language learning?!
- Learn about foraging and make a jam/preserve from foraged fruit/plants.
What are your 2021 goals?
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