May 112018
Scotney Castle – A Bank Holiday Visit

Hello! Last weekend was the early May bank holiday and what did we do, you ask? On Saturday, we spent 6 hours driving down to Kent and back! For those of you from the UK, you know what I mean when I say that the M25 is hell on Earth. We saw so many tail backs/queues from accidents (people drive too recklessly and fast). Nonetheless, we made it to Kent and home safe and sound. 🙂

The rhododendron garden

Along the way, we got to take in the beautiful Kentish countryside. Ever since I first visited the UK, Kent has always been my favourite county because of the gardens, hills, and landscape in general. This was also the first time that I had seen oast houses. Sadly I couldn’t manage to get any good photos from the car (I was more concerned about not dying on the tiny country lanes), but you can see from Wikipedia what I’m talking about. These cylindrical buildings were used for drying hops.

The country house was home to the Hussey family in the 18th C.

Lucy visited Scotney Castle when she was a teenager and fell in love with the gardens and the romantic and etherial feeling of the castle folly surrounded by rhododendrons. It was slightly too early for the rhodo gardens to be in full bloom, but it was still gorgeous. Here are some photos from our day. The weather was fantastic and we had a lovely time walking around the gardens and eating ice cream. I hope everyone else had a good weekend as well!


The gardeners put cuttings of the estate’s main flowers on display. Also, a view from inside the folly.



Lucy hiding in the priest hole and a stylised photo of the boat house!


The castle dates back to the 14th Century and was turned into a folly by the owner when he built his new house.


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