Apr 212018
100th Post – Thank You!

This is my 100th post on this blog. I started Raspberry Thriller as a space for documenting my recipes and experimenting with baking. Two years on and my blog has grown with me, through the ups and many downs, and I’ve expanded into a wider range of content, writing about anything and everything I love.

I’m writing this in advance as when this goes live I’ll be running collections (mock exams) at my Oxford college. When I started this blog I didn’t know where I would be in two years, but I am happy now and I’m still loving writing for you every week. Things are looking up and I’m excited to see what the next 100 posts will be, and the experiences that shape them!

In two years and 100 posts I’ve had over 5,000 views and nearly 4,000 visitors from over 100 different countries, and now have over 100 followers. So, to those of you who have been with me for some time, thank you so much for sticking with me – this post is for you! To my new readers and followers, thanks for dropping by and I hope you enjoy the blog. Even though it’s just me at my computer, my blog is my community and it helps me focus on the positives and I love that it connects me with the world. I’m grateful to have had this much success thus far with this platform and I’m inspired to keep going and share with you my recipes, beauty and lifestyle content, and my adventures in life.

Thanks again for reading!

All the best,



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