Last weekend we went with Lucy’s family to Blenheim Palace to see their Christmas lights. This is the second year this event has been held. As I mentioned in my previous post, tickets to see the lights was our present to the family this year. We were a bit (okay, a lot) apprehensive about how the event would go, particularly because it was freezing a few days prior, and we didn’t want bad weather to spoil our night. Luckily, the weather was perfect and there was even a full moon!
I highly recommend getting tickets for this event if you’re in the area! We were also very fortunate to buy early bird tickets, paid for on site parking, and picked the 5pm time slot. It was absolutely heaving by 7pm and I think the crowds and waiting for the shuttle bus would have made it less enjoyable.
Needless to say, everyone had a great time (including our young niece) and we all agreed it’s definitely a worthwhile experience. I managed to take quite a few lovely photos that I want to share. I also spent this afternoon making little photo books as small gift momentos.
I hope your Christmas preparations are going well and that you’re enjoying the festive season. I’ve got one week left at work before I go on holiday, so I’ve got plenty to be cheerful about. 🙂
Enjoy the photos!
These little boats were amazing and so picturesque!
Santa’s workshop had themed music to changing lights and it sounded like something “breaks” while the elves are busy building toys.
The Duke always wanted a giant fountain in the lake…

This river of lights was one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen. It was a choreographed display to peaceful, classical Christmas music and the lights trickled down the hillside.
What I called the “human car wash”, which was dangling lights you walked through, in addition to the tranquil rose garden.

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